**Post written by Tara Clapp, Conferences Chair for WSPA*** A couple of years ago, I was introduced to a New Year’s tradition by a good friend of mine.  On New Year’s Eve while gathered around a table full of loved ones, we all shared our rose, thorn, and bud from the year.  The rose of the year was something/someone/some event that represented the highlight of our year.  The thorn represented a challenge we faced and might need support with in the coming year.  The bud represented something we were looking forward to or a goal we were setting for ourselves.  After doing this for the first time, I remember feeling so connected to all of the people around me. This mindful practice allowed me a way to reflect on my year, think purposefully about the year to come, and learn so much about each person sitting around the table. Since then, I periodically engage in the rose, thorn, bud activity either by myself or with my family and friends.  As we enter 2019 (and many of us get ready to get back to work with our students!), I encourage you all to reflect on the past year using this activity.  It allows a space for us to show gratitude, acknowledge how we can grow, and set goals for the coming year across our personal and professional lives.  This year, I have decided to use this activity more frequently in my work as a school psychologist.  My bud for this year in my professional life is to utilize more mindful activities and practices with my students; it will offer me a way to connect with them while also modeling practices of mindfulness and gratitude.  Here is a link to a handout/guide you can use to help facilitate this activity, https://www.mindfulschools.org/inspiration/mindful-reflection/ I hope everyone has enjoyed their breaks and taken time to for self-care. Cheers to a new year of roses full of success, thorns full of wisdom, and budding opportunities!