2024 WSPA Fall Conference
Thursday, October 17th | Friday, October 18th

WSPA is committed to advocating for school psychology and for students with disabilities in our local communities and Wyoming

WSPA offers conferences throughout the year with a variety of topics that appeal to school psychologists and related professionals. All conferences are accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists.

Part of WSPA’s mission is to assist all education professionals in serving children and youth. We work to promote best practices across the state.
Lifetime Membership Nomination
Congratulations to Madeleine Pitsch for being nominated for a Lifetime Membership! Madeline has made a positive and lasting impact on the School Psychology profession in Wyoming. Through her hard work, passion for education, caring commitment to people, and vision for the needs of Wyoming education, she is deserving of this honor. She has dedicated her professional life to the development and improvement of school psychology by being a mentor to numerous school psychology interns, being a leader within her school district, and through years of active WSPA leadership roles. Click here to read the full nomination letter
The purpose of the Wyoming School Psychology Association shall be, through practice, education, and research, to:
- Serve the mental health and educational needs of all children and youth,
- Encourage and provide opportunities for the professional growth of individual members,
- Inform the public about the services and practice of school psychology,
- Advance the ethics and standards of the profession of school psychology.
Join Us
Membership for WSPA is currently free and offers a range of benefits.
School Psychologist Job Openings in Wyoming
Check out these recent postings for school psychologists on the Wyoming School Boards Association job vacancy site.
Click Here: https://www.wsba-wy.org/vacancies
Latest News
2021 WSPA Scholarship Recipient
Callie Fritzler, from Lingle-Fort Laramie High School, is the 2021 recipient of the Wyoming School Psychology Association scholarship. This scholarship is for high school seniors interested in studying psychology or education. Callie is enrolling in Eastern Wyoming College where she plans on majoring in psychology and entering the field of school psychology.
We offer a scholarship for high school students. Find the application here.
Wyoming School Psychology Assocation Delegate on Wake Up Wyoming!
Request for Research Participation
We are wanting to learn more about school psychologists’ attitudes, beliefs, and current practices in regard to the use of social media for communicating and obtaining evidence-based research for practice. Please take our 5 to 10 minute survey.